The Benefits of Raising Rabbits on the Homestead

By Nancy Smith And Heidi Hunt
Published on June 1, 2003
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Top: The Mini Rex currently is the most popular rabbit for showing and for children. Middle: The New Zealand, which also comes in black and red, exemplifies the rabbit's meat-producing qualities. Bottom: Flemish Grants are one of the oldest specialty breeds.
Top: The Mini Rex currently is the most popular rabbit for showing and for children. Middle: The New Zealand, which also comes in black and red, exemplifies the rabbit's meat-producing qualities. Bottom: Flemish Grants are one of the oldest specialty breeds.
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Learn about the benefits of raising rabbits on the homestead.
Learn about the benefits of raising rabbits on the homestead.
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Top: The Dutch breed is recognized as the original Easter pet. Middle: The Belgian Hare was the first purebred rabbit imported into North America, arriving in 1888. Bottom: Giant Angoras provide a silky wool, which is shorn regularly from the animals.
Top: The Dutch breed is recognized as the original Easter pet. Middle: The Belgian Hare was the first purebred rabbit imported into North America, arriving in 1888. Bottom: Giant Angoras provide a silky wool, which is shorn regularly from the animals.
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If you keep your rabbits outdoors, locate their hutches in a protected site. The hutch should have a roof with a generous overhang to help protect the animals from inclement weather and adequate flooring to protect their feet.
If you keep your rabbits outdoors, locate their hutches in a protected site. The hutch should have a roof with a generous overhang to help protect the animals from inclement weather and adequate flooring to protect their feet.

Learn about the benefits of raising rabbits for companionship or to supply food and fur for the homestead.

If rabbits turn your head — whether your fancy runs to
whoppers like the gentle Flemish Giants, to gorgeous and
easygoing Angoras or to the soft and cuddly Mini
Rex — you’ll find plenty of these critters for sale, at
reasonable prices, all across the country. And if you

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