Make these vintage handkerchief sachet gifts for an easy, homemade Christmas gift everyone will appreciate.
DIY Homemade Christmas Gifts
Vintage Handkerchief Sachet Gifts
Tie up dried aromatic flowers (buy or dry yourself) in handkerchiefs to give to the women in your family. These are especially nice if the handkerchiefs belonged to a grandmother or aunt. My relatives loved theirs.
Vintage handkerchiefs
Sachet flowers
Rubber bands
Thin satin ribbon (1/8 to 1/4-inch wide)
Approximate Cost
Handkerchiefs: $1 to $3 apiece
Sachet: not more than $5
Rubber bands and ribbon: $3
The hardest part is finding a floral sachet with a wonderful smell. Last September, I bought some homemade sachet by the ounce from a woman who grows flowers and sells them at the farmer’s market. I’ve also bought a pot of lavender in the spring, then cut and dried it in the fall (That might not help you this year, but put it on your to-do list for spring.) Check the more unusual gift stores in your town (not the mall, generally) for a homegrown sachet.
Hand wash and iron the handkerchiefs. Pour about 1/2 cup of sachet into the center of the handkerchief. Gather up the ends and wrap a rubber band around the part near the ball of sachet, so the sachet is tightly enclosed. Tie a matching ribbon around the rubber band, making a bow with long ends. Either tie a tiny gift card on with the ribbon or wrap the sachet as you would any other gift. (Gift bags work well.)