<h1 style=”text-align: center;”>Make Your Own Natural Air Freshener (Video)</h1>
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<em>See how to make your own natural air freshener and skip the dangerous chemicals in the store-bought products.</em>
<p style=”text-align: center;”>By Jessica Kellner</p>
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<p>Bring the pleasure and benefits of essential oils into your life. These highly concentrated oils provide the essence of a plant’s flavor and smell, making it very useful around the house. Scents such as chamomile can promote relaxation, while peppermint can create a much more energizing environment. By combining 6 drops of your favorite essential oil to 1 cup water, you can make your own natural air freshener. Spray the finished product around your home to benefit from the essential oils’ health-boosting properties. Simple DIY projects such as this room spray with essential oils can also help neutralize odors as would any other chemically laced air freshener.</p>
<p>With the sweet scent and aromatherapy benefits of botanicals wafting through your home, you’ll never want to consider a store-bought plug-in again. And there are many good reasons to ditch commercial air fresheners. Most contain formaldehyde, a well-known human carcinogen, and phthalates, which are hazardous chemicals known to cause hormonal abnormalities, birth defects and even reproductive problems. Instead, banish bad smells with natural air fresheners, including vinegar, baking soda and essential oils! (For more on natural air fresheners from <em>Mother Earth Living</em> see <a href=”http://www.motherearthliving.com/health-and-wellness/natural-beauty/beauty-recipes/aromatherapy-guide-how-to-use-essential-oils-zmez13mjzmel.aspx” target=”_self”>Aromatherapy Guide: How to Use Essential Oils for Your Well-Being</a>.)</p>
<h2>More Videos!</h2>
<p>Check out our <a href=”https://www.motherearthliving.com/healthy-home/mother-earth-living-videos-zv0z1312zcov” target=”_self”>full collection</a> of videos for more how-to videos, including DIY projects for the home, natural remedies and more!</p>