This is a great way of tying small-diameter poles together. For example, it’s a quick and straightforward way of setting up fruit cane stakes, beanpoles or trellis slats.
Transom Knot
1. Cross the poles, one on top of the other, and run the rope along the lower pole, over the crossed one, down and around the lower pole. Lead it across over its own standing part, down and behind the lower pole.
2. Pass the working end between the crossed parts.

3. Tuck the working end back beneath the standing part.

4. Pull the end through to tighten. Work the line around all parts to tighten it, and pull on both ends to settle it all down, making sure that the overhand part lies beneath the crossover.

Knots in Action: With the knot tightened and settled, the ends can be trimmed off. The Transom Knot does not have the ultimate security or rigidity of a Square Lashing, but it is quick and good enough for light duties.

Read more from The Knot Tying Bible
Reprinted with permission from The Knot Tying Bible: Climbing, Camping, Sailing, Fishing, Everyday by Colin Jarman and published by Firefly Books, 2013.