How to Make a Banjo Out of Recycled Materials

Have you ever wondered how to make a banjo? Learn how one author crafted a homemade banjo after being inspired by a street musician in India.

By Marlin Spike Werner
Updated on October 27, 2022
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Adobe Stock/Tongra

Have you ever wondered how to make a banjo out of recycled materials? Learn how one author crafted a DIY banjo after being inspired by a street musician in India.

I’ve always wanted to play an instrument, but–until a few years back–I was kept from my goal by a kind of technological snow job. I lacked the money to purchase the banjo I dreamed about, and when faced with the piano-finished sound boxes and mother of pearl-inlaid necks that line most music store shelves, I became convinced that I could never construct a worthwhile homemade banjo.

My eyes were opened, though, during a trip that took me to the streets of Bombay, India. While there, I encountered a toy vendor who was selling paper dragons, one of which dangled from a string fastened to the end of a makeshift fiddle. The peddler was playing “Chim Chim Cheree” (yep, the Mary Poppins song. You’re probably no more surprised than I was!), and I found his music so delightful that I was moved to examine the instrument more closely.

Its soundbox was an empty tuna can stretched with what I could only guess was dried rat skin (well, at least that of some small, thin-hided animal), and the neck was a stick broken from an orange crate. Looking closer, I noted that the violin had only one friction tuning peg and a single string that cleared the neck by a good half-inch on its way over the bridge to a wire hook on the can’s edge.

The musician’s bow consisted of a few strands of horsehair strung loosely between the ends of a bent bamboo twig. He used his left thumbnail as a movable fret, and added tension to the horsehair with the fingers of the hand that held the bow. In short, I was surprised (and elated!) to discover that the music he produced was beautiful despite–or perhaps because of–the crude nature of his instrument.

A Lesson Learned

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