Tree Branch Coat Tree

By Kelly And John Hoomes
Published on October 19, 2012
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Photo By Kelly Hoomes
This coat tree can be seen as a work of art or a useful household article.

After seeing some expensive coat racks made from tree branches in a catalog, I figured my husband could use recycled materials to build something just as nice.

Using a Farkleberry tree, which are prolific in southeastern piney woods (though any small, shrub-like tree would work), he cut the tree and branches to size, stripped the bark, hand-sanded it and oiled it with mineral oil. The sanding and oiling preserve the wood and emphasize the tree’s natural colors and beautiful variations. For a base, he used old plow blades and painted them black.

In winter, the coat tree holds our coats, scarves, hats and lunch pails. In summer it holds our wide-brimmed hats.

Kelly and John Hoomes
Hope Hull, Alabama

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