Antique Farm Tools

By The Editors Of Farm Collector
Published on March 16, 2011
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This chair was for the sheep — not the shearer — and it made shearing easier than holding on to the sheep and rotating it with one hand while shearing it with the other.
This chair was for the sheep — not the shearer — and it made shearing easier than holding on to the sheep and rotating it with one hand while shearing it with the other.
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If you’re building a timber-frame structure, you need this tool!
If you’re building a timber-frame structure, you need this tool!
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Winemakers and cooks used this machine to crush all sorts of fruit for making juice, jams and more. 
Winemakers and cooks used this machine to crush all sorts of fruit for making juice, jams and more. 
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Farmers used this tool to tightly tie bundles of cornstalks together. 
Farmers used this tool to tightly tie bundles of cornstalks together. 
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Farmers of yesteryear used this tool to carry large loads of hay. 
Farmers of yesteryear used this tool to carry large loads of hay. 
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Hunters have used these multipurpose tools since the ’60s.
Hunters have used these multipurpose tools since the ’60s.

In the years before cheap oil, homesteaders invented an astounding array of tools to accomplish work more efficiently using only human power. Who knows? A hundred years from now, we may again be using some of these low-tech, non-polluting devices. The following profiles of antique farm tools were selected from a new book, Field Guide to Mystery Farm Tools, published by our sister magazine, Farm Collector. This fun and informative look at hundreds of old tools is $7.99, and you can order it by visiting the Farm Collector website.

Sheep-Shearing Chair

If sheep are set on their rumps, the animals become very calm and are easier to shear. The 1875 patent for this sheep-shearing chair says, “The sheep, having been placed on the seat in the position desired for commencing the clipping, is not moved during the entire process. As the clipping progresses, the platform is revolved, so as to bring the rack into different relative positions to the sheep.” (The shearer leans the sheep against the rack while shearing it.) Patent granted to Charles McCall and James McCall, Morristown, Ohio, April 6, 1875.

Fruit Crusher

Fruit crushers were used to crush peaches, apricots, cherries and blackberries for jam and jelly; apples for cider, sauce or apple butter; and grapes for juice or wine. The device shown is 24 inches long, 7 inches wide and 3 inches deep. The rollers are 5 inches long and have an outside diameter of 3 inches. The rollers and gears are made of steel, and springs press the axle of one roller against the other. The crusher in the photo is missing the hopper that would hold the supply of fruit. Patent granted to Raffaele Baccellieri, Philadelphia, Aug. 28, 1928

Wood-Boring Machine

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