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Digital Edition Help & FAQ

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Digital Issue Access Instructions

Log into the Mother Earth News website and enjoy access to the digital editions anytime, anywhere!

  1. Be sure you are logged into the website:

  2. Select “Digital Issues” in the top navigation of the website or mobile menu.

  3. Select the issue you would like to view.

  4. You will be directed to a page where you can either download the issue as a PDF or you can view the issue online. To download as PDF on a computer, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat or some other PDF reader installed. If you choose to view the issue online, you will be directed to the online viewer.

  5. The online viewer will direct you to the issue you selected. You can navigate through the issue using the arrows on each side.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I access the same issues on all of my digital devices?

    Yes, you will simply need to log in on each digital device you would like to use. Once logged in, follow the same steps to view the digital editions on your laptop, mobile phone, tablet, etc. devices. The last three years will always be available to read through the online viewer or to download to PDF.

  • When can I view my digital issue?

    You can view your digital issue immediately upon logging in to the website.

  • When does my digital subscription expire?

    Once you are logged into your account, select “My Account” in the top navigation or mobile menu of the website. The account status will give you your expiration date. If you have any problems logging into your account, you can call our Customer Care team at 800-234-3368 (outside U.S. & Canada call 785-274-4365).