Handcrafted Soaps

By Podcast Team and Joanna Will
Published on December 31, 2020
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Bars of handmade soap with lavender flowers over wood grunge background.

In this episode of Mother Earth News and Friends, Joanna Will of Prairie Turnip Farm shares about her soap-making business, what she learned through the business this year, and what she looks forward to for the future.

Joanna Will lives on Prairie Turnip Farm in Osage County, Kansas, with her husband, Hank Will. They raise landrace sheep; Scottish Highland and Pineywoods cattle; honeybees; and a collection of chickens, ducks, geese and donkeys. They also have a pack of Great Pyrenees/Anatolian Shepherd dogs that protect the sheep and add a lot of entertainment. Joanna works for the Kansas Rural Center, a non-profit sustainable agriculture organization, and runs a soap business from the farm, crafting small-batch, all-natural soaps from organic ingredients.

Links mentioned in Podcast:

Joanna’s Recommended Soap-Making Book Picks:

Our Podcast Team: Carla Tilghman and Jessica Mitchell

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