The Cotton Project

Reader Contribution by Cindy Conner and Homeplace Earth

The fact that you can grow something and turn it into fabric for clothes with simple hand tools is fascinating to me. That’s what led me to grow cotton in my garden and learn to spin. Growing colored cotton, specifically green and brown, is much more interesting than growing white, so that is what I did.

At the time, I didn’t realize the distance that was needed between varieties so they wouldn’t cross and I had them separated by only 100 feet. The isolation distance recommended for home use is 650’ and for commercial production a half mile or more. I was only growing it for fun and concentrating on learning to spin, so at first I didn’t notice just how much mixing was going on in the garden when I planted back the seeds I saved from one harvest to the next. Once I took notice, I realized that my original colors that you see in the name tag I wove from my early cotton would be lost if I didn’t pay attention.

It appeared that what had crossed, either in the green bed or the brown bed, produced a light brown fiber. The colors pop once the fiber is boiled in soapy water during a process called scouring. I spin my cotton and wind it into skeins, then scour. Following Stephanie Gaustad’s advice in The Practical Spinner’s Guide: Cotton, Flax, Hemp, I fill a 2 gallon pot with water and add 2 tablespoons of washing soda and a bit of soap. Gaustad recommends 1 tablespoon of dry laundry detergent, but I usually substitute a squirt of dish soap. My skeins go in that for a 45 minute simmer, then I give them a good rinse, roll them in a towel to take out excess water, and hang them to dry. Some shrinkage occurs in the process, which I like. Better to get that out of the way before I weave with it.

Color of Seed Indicates Variety

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