5 Homestead Uses for the Coffee Can

Reader Contribution by Fala Burnette and Wolf Branch Homestead
Published on June 3, 2019
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Using the can for feed storage.

Growing up, I remember scooping goat feed from the barrel with a tall plastic container, which once served to hold supplements for the horses. We would often wash out these durable containers, and give them use all over the farm. Fast forward to our own homestead today, and we are big time coffee drinkers. Some of you may know the feeling of taking your first sip of hot coffee in the morning, waking up with the sun and getting your chores started. Whether you’ve got the coffee pot plugged in, or the percolator bubbling on your wood stove, there’s a few good uses for your leftover coffee can when it’s emptied out.

Firstly, there are two types of cans I recommend saving- metal, and plastic. You’ll want a durable container that can stand up to whatever project you’ll assign it to. Depending on what you’ll use it for, keep in mind that metal cans will eventually rust. Give the can a good washing after you’ve emptied it out, and make sure they’re dry before using. I’ve included some personal use ideas from around our homestead, but with a bit of ingenuity there are so many great ways to re-purpose those cans.

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