5 Tips to Help You Lower Your Utility Bill

Reader Contribution by David Glenn
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Everybody’s trying to save money. And even if you aren’t especially tight on cash right now you don’t want to be throwing money away. One of the most common expenses that can easily be lowered is the monthly utility bill. There are so many factors that contribute to the cost of utilities—climate, age of home, supplier prices—but regardless of your current price it is always possible for the cost to go down. Here are a handful of simple tips to keep in mind so that you can keep your utility bills from climbing through the roof!

Be Smart About the Thermostat

You should be comfortable in your home. But it’s less important that your furniture enjoys nice warm temperatures while you’re out of the house. Turn down the thermostat when you leave for the day and especially if you’re leaving for an extended period of time for vacations etc. Generally speaking, you can save about three percent on your heating bill by lowering the thermostat just a single degree. If you have a newer thermostat it likely allows you to have it automatically programmed to lower during the day and overnight while you’re cozy in bed. You might also consider lowering your water heater temperature slightly. Smart thermostats allow you to do this at the utmost convenience, and with little effort.

Seal Up the Leaks

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