How to Weave a Pine Needle Basket

By Judy Mofield Mallow
Published on August 1, 1997
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by Adobestock/Studio Porto Sabbia

Weave a pine needle basket by coiling needles from the forest floor to participate in the Native American art of pine needle basketry. (See the pine needle basket photos and diagrams in the image gallery.)

Patience and pine needles are the main ingredients for this natural and versatile basket. Add handles and slices of black walnut for the center, and you have a basket made from Mother Earth’s bounty that will last for generations to come. Pine needle basketry, conceived by Native Americans in Pre-Columbian times, is now a viable part of our American cultural heritage. Employing ancient coiling techniques and long-leaf pine needles, this art form has remained virtually the same for thousands of years. Yet it has evolved into the 21st century, bringing with its connections to our past a contemporary need to preserve our natural resources and appreciate our planet’s gifts to mankind. What better way to keep tuned to Mother Nature, than to gather fragrant pine needles from her forest floor and weave a pine needle basket of such natural beauty, purity, and resilience.

The basket shown has 10 coils in the bottom and six coils in the side walls.

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