4 Reasons to Avoid Food Preservatives

Reader Contribution by Kathleen Jade and Nd

Chemical preservatives are found in almost every type of processed food, and they are posing serious risks to our health. Here are the top five reasons to avoid food preservatives.

Stomach Cancer

A study that monitored more than 61,000 Swedish women over 18 years found that the consumption of processed meat is associated with a 50% to 100% increase in the risk of gastric cancer.[1] The most dangerous types of meat were found to be bacon, pork, salami, ham, and hotdogs. Additional studies suggest that the development of cancer is due to nitrosamine, a product of nitrite preservatives.[2,3]


Sulfur dioxide is found in many soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, dried fruits, and dried vegetables. A study found that one in nine asthmatics experience worsening symptoms as a result of consuming soft drinks that contain sulfur dioxide.[5]

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