Gardeners Bundle: Ultimate Bundle For an Exquisite Yard and Gardening Fun!
What can you win?
2 bottles – Chicken Soup for the Soil: Also known as “the perfect fertilizer,” contains all the nutrients that we have identified over the years as being beneficial for edibles; it is designed to stimulate life in the soil, grow large dense crops, tasty fruits and vegetables, high-quality buds, and delivers all the nutrition your plants need to meet their maximum genetic potential.
2 bottles – Tree Secret: A biologically correct (non-synthetic) fertilizer created specifically for enhanced tree success. Our small batch, extra potent blend of readily available tree nutrients are exactly what your trees, plants, and bushes need to revitalize and look great for years to come. The competition doesn’t come close!
2 bags – Tomato Secret: Made with a superior blend of biologically correct (non-synthetic) ingredients that will help you grow happy/high-quality tomatoes that look great and are full of flavor. Over the past 50 years we have learned how to grow amazing tomatoes without traditional fertilizer and put everything you need into a sack of Tomato Secret®!
6 rolls – 3-2-1 Grow Tabs: Enhance Your Root System For Stronger Plants, Trees, and Roses!
These planting tabs contain 11 species of Endo/Ecto Mycorrhizae to help your plants, trees, and shrubs develop an impressive root system. Mycorrhizae is a tubular fungus that will branch out and extend the root system, allowing plants to absorb more nutrients and water.
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