Do Solar Panels Need to be Cleaned?

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By Hoss Boyd and Kerena Reese
Updated on October 20, 2023
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by Adobestock/Juraiwan
Plan regular washings and inspections as part of your solar panels’ maintenance schedule.

Do solar panels need to be cleaned? Learn important factors to remember for cleaning and maintaining a productive energy system.

Checking Your Solar Panels

I wouldn’t swear the developers of solar panels were lazy, but I do think they didn’t want to do a lot of maintenance on their electric-generation system. (One of the earliest uses of solar panels was to power satellites because it was difficult to service them.) A big advantage of solar photovoltaics (PV) is they do their job day in and day out with extremely little upkeep. The only thing you’ll really need to do is to occasionally wash the panels with a mild dish detergent and water, and to inspect for birds and bees nests underneath the panels. Critter barriers are available to keep squirrels and other small animals from chewing on the cables.

You should also regularly check for panels loosened by wind, for cracks caused by hail, and whether kids have been using the panels for targets – or the hazard I grew up with in the country, which was Grandpa shooting at birds and squirrels with his shotgun.

I grew up on a farm on a dirt road, and the air filled with dust anytime a car or truck went by. Depending on which way the wind blew on laundry day, my clothesline-dried T-shirts might be either white or shades of gray. If you live in a similar situation, you may need to clean your solar panels frequently. But if you don’t experience much dust, your panels might go 3 to 6 months without needing to be hosed down. Other than damage inspections and regular cleaning, solar arrays don’t need a lot of maintenance. That’s why I like solar.
-Hoss Boyd

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