7 Tips for Living Large in a Tiny House

Reader Contribution by Anna Hess And Mark Hamilton
Published on January 16, 2015

Travel trailers and mobile homes help many homesteaders-to-be like Miles Flansburg move to the land more quickly.

How do you fit all of your possessions into a small domicile if you’re used to spreading out across the dozen rooms of a McMansion? While it’s easy to advise tiny-house dwellers to “just cut down on the amount of stuff you own,” it’s actually a bit trickier for an American used to sprawling across a large house to enjoy life in a trailer or tiny house. Here are some tips for making small spaces work for you:

Remember economies of scale
. It’s easier for two people to live in 300 square feet than for one person to live in 150 square feet because you can double up the bathroom, kitchen, and other communal spaces.

Find places to be alone. I don’t think I could have survived in our small house (123 square feet per person) as a teenager if I hadn’t enjoyed an outdoor retreat where I spent all of my time between school and supper. It’s good for everyone to have private spaces, even if they’re tiny, outdoors, or down at the local coffee shop.

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