How to Roast Squash Seeds and Pumpkin Seeds

These scrumptious seeds are rich in protein and fiber, making them a great energy-boosting snack.

By Tabitha Alterman
Published on October 13, 2011
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by AdobeStock/vm2002
Background of Homemade Roasted Pumpkin seeds

Hey, pumpkin carvers! Don’t waste all of those yummy seeds! Here’s how to roast squash seeds and pumpkin seeds in just five easy steps.

Pumpkin and squash seeds are loaded with protein and fiber, and they make a great energy-boosting snack or crunchy addition to many meals. Save these delicious and nutritious seeds from ending up in the compost heap in five easy steps.

Step 1: Soak

Scoop out the seed mass of the squash or pumpkin, and rinse the seeds in a strainer under running water. Don’t worry about getting all of the pulp off, because soaking them for a while will make it easier to rub the pulp off later. Allow the seeds to soak in a bowl of brine (half a teaspoon of kosher salt per cup of water) for a few hours.

Step 2: Rinse and Dry

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