Make your own natural coffee using this Parsnip Postum Coffee Substitute Recipe.
Parsnip Postum Coffee Substitute Recipe
Marjorie Meschke of Calder, Idaho claims it’s possible to make a richly satisfying coffee-like drink from — of all things
— parsnips. “It’s true” she says: “I served some parsnip coffee to my husband recently; and he thought it was the real thing!
I had to tell him what it was. Even then, I don’t think he believed me: He was amazed!”
Here’s all you do to duplicate Marjorie’s recipe: Cut a batch of fresh parsnip roots (skins and all) into very small pieces, or
they’re a very dark brown (about 20 minutes). Turn the oven off and allow the crunchy morsels to cool as the oven itself cools.
Then get out your favorite mug, steep the parsnip chunks in scalding-hot water (one rounded tablespoonful per cup), and presto!
You’ve got a Java substitute that — in Mrs. Meschke’s own words — “is better than coffee . . . with no bitterness!”
“I’ve tried other types of imitation coffee,” says Marjorie. “They’re good, too. . . but they don’t come close to ‘Parsnip
Read more about coffee substitutes: Make Your Own Coffee