For great pickles, try this home-canning recipe for quick, crunchy dilly beans. Make a couple of batches and stock your pantry – they are wonderful for snacks, on a charcuterie board, on sandwiches or as a simple side for dinner! This recipe makes about 8 pints.
4 pounds of garden-fresh green beans. Yellow or green beans both work well. Remember that canning preserves the quality of the vegetables but doesn’t make them any better. Always use top quality produce. The fresher your beans, the more amazing these pickles will be.
For each pint jar:
- 1 or 2 heads of fresh dill
Pickling solution:
- 1/2 cup canning or pickling salt
- 4 cups white vinegar (5 percent). The acidity of the vinegar is essential for safety. Double check this!
- 4 cups water
- Get everything prepped. Clean your work surfaces, get your water bath canner set up, sterilize your jars, and make your pickling solution: Combine salt, vinegar, and water in a glass or stainless steel pot. Bring to a boil.
- Wash your beans and and trim both ends from beans. Cut them into 4-inch lengths, so they fit in your jar. You’ll have an easier time getting your beans in and out of the jars if you use wide-mouth jars.
- Put dill, garlic and hot pepper in each sterilized pint jar.Pack each jar with green beans.
- Working quickly, pour the hot pickling solution over your beans, leaving 1/2-inch headspace. Get rid of any air bubbles, readjust your headspace if needed, wipe your rims, and put your lids on.
- Process for 5 minutes in a boiling water bath. You may need to process for longer depending on your elevation. Make sure to check your elevation! You can learn more about processing times here National Center for Home Food Preservation
Here are some canning resources:
Learn how to water bath can with this online course: Water Bath Canning
Get started with the basics: Home Canning for Beginners
The National Center for Home Food Preservation is a great resource National Center for Home Food Preservation
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