Celebrate Earth Day … At Home

Reader Contribution by Cam Mather
Published on April 22, 2011
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Years ago I saw a great graph on how many kilojoules of energy it would take to travel 3 km (1.7 miles). Since the various modes of transportation would burn different types of fuel to get there, the energy unit used was “kilojoules” (kJ) which can be common for all types.

Riding a bicycle was the most efficient way to travel. Your body would require the calories contained in an apple to travel that distance on a bike. If you walked you’d require a banana or a slice of bread for the 250 kJ you’d need. Walking is less efficient than riding a bike because you don’t have those wonderful round wheels and gears increasing the efficiency of your muscles. A bus or train is a little less efficient, but since there are number of people on the same bus or train, you’re spreading the energy use over more people. And driving a car is really, really, inefficient. It takes 130 kJ to cycle that distance and 6,500 kJ to drive a car!

Take a look at the energy that would be required to fly that distance and it’s insane. 300,000 kJ. Oh the journey would only take 10 seconds but it would use a climate-altering amount of energy to do so.

When I was doing some research for my book “Thriving During Challenging Times” I tried to find verifiable, reputable secondary sources to confirm this amount but it was difficult to find a number that was consistent. The figures were all over the place. There are just so many variables when it comes to air travel. What’s the type of jet? Is it long haul or short haul? How many people are on the plane? Etc. etc. So my chart here is an approximation from a number of sources.

Regardless of the exact number, it’s big. Just think of the energy required to get a fully loaded 200-ton Boeing 767 off the ground. Have you seen the size of just the tires on a modern jet? I’ll bet that even a bunch of the passengers, working together, couldn’t lift one of the tires! Now you’ve got to get that weight to 30,000 feet. Think about it. If you’ve ever traveled in a jet you know how much noise those jet engines make and the G-forces that glue you to your seat as they try and free this building-sized object from the grip of gravity.

Then you need to consider the effect of burning kerosene, or jet fuel, at that altitude. It’s bad. It’s actually much worse than just burning it on the ground. I just read that it’s 2 ½ times worse and that you’d be better to just burn that jet fuel on the tarmac, except that wouldn’t work to get you to your exotic place.

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