Top 12 Kitchen Herbs

By Barbara Pleasant
Published on October 1, 2006
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Illustration by Elizabeth Dowle/Quatro, Inc.
Chives are essential to any complete collection of kitchen herbs.

You might favor a different set of kitchen herbs, but based on long experience and consultations with many other gardeners the consensus view is that these are the top 12. The preferred methods to start them are indicated by the colors of their corresponding titles below and in our Garden Design plans:

Green = sow herb seeds or use transplants
Blue = sow seeds only
Orange = use transplants only

Seeds or seedlings of basil, a warm-season annual, can be planted at the same time as tomatoes. Pinch back flowering spikes to encourage new leaf production, and make a second planting from direct-sown seeds in early summer. The flavor is best when used fresh.
Selections: ‘Genovese’ is the gold standard for cooking; other varieties feature burgundy leaves, compact growth habits or foliage with frilled edges.

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