Blossom-End Rot: Prevention and Treatment

Reader Contribution by Terroir Seeds
Published on February 3, 2015
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Blossom end rot is a destructive disease affecting mainly tomatoes and peppers, but can damage other fruiting crops such as eggplant, watermelon and summer squash. It is a perennial problem, meaning that as a gardener, you will deal with this yearly in your garden. There are two approaches to working with blossom end rot – prevention and reaction, or a primary and secondary solution. Unfortunately, most gardeners only realize they have a problem when the fruit are showing black spots on the end. This is the acute phase – once there are problems – and immediate action is needed to prevent further damage to fruit that is just beginning to set.

What Causes Blossom End Rot?

We will look at the underlying causes of blossom end rot, along with what happens and what can be done about it in the prevention as well as the acute phase.

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