Herbal Antibiotics: An Effective Defense Against Drug-Resistant ‘Superbugs’

By Stephen Harrod Buhner
Published on November 5, 2013
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Plants have developed complex responses to bacterial invasion, and offer long-term resistance to disease. Pictured: Echinacea.
Plants have developed complex responses to bacterial invasion, and offer long-term resistance to disease. Pictured: Echinacea.
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Plants have developed complex responses to bacterial invasion, and offer long-term resistance to disease. Pictured: Beggar's Ticks
Plants have developed complex responses to bacterial invasion, and offer long-term resistance to disease. Pictured: Beggar's Ticks
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Plants have developed complex responses to bacterial invasion, and offer long-term resistance to disease. Pictured: Sida
Plants have developed complex responses to bacterial invasion, and offer long-term resistance to disease. Pictured: Sida
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Plants have developed complex responses to bacterial invasion, and offer long-term resistance to disease. Pictured: Juniper.
Plants have developed complex responses to bacterial invasion, and offer long-term resistance to disease. Pictured: Juniper.
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Readily available remedies, such as garlic, honey and herbal extracts, can treat and relieve many ailments.
Readily available remedies, such as garlic, honey and herbal extracts, can treat and relieve many ailments.
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Readily available remedies, such as garlic, honey and herbal extracts, can treat and relieve many ailments.
Readily available remedies, such as garlic, honey and herbal extracts, can treat and relieve many ailments.
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Readily available remedies, such as garlic, honey and herbal extracts, can treat and relieve many ailments.
Readily available remedies, such as garlic, honey and herbal extracts, can treat and relieve many ailments.
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Choose inexpensive plant medicines to maximize and maintain your health.
Choose inexpensive plant medicines to maximize and maintain your health.
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Plants have developed complex responses to bacterial invasion, and offer long-term resistance to disease.
Plants have developed complex responses to bacterial invasion, and offer long-term resistance to disease.

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, known as “superbugs,” are becoming more numerous and more virulent thanks to continuing overuse of antibiotics. Herbal medicine offers an alternative to these increasingly ineffective drugs.

What follows is an excerpt from the book Herbal Antibiotics: Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-Resistant Bacteria (reprinted with permission from Storey Publishing), in which herbal expert Stephen Harrod Buhner offers compelling evidence that medicinal herbs should be our first line of defense against disease. He explains the roots of drug resistance and why medicinal herbs can work better than pharmaceutical drugs.

Drawing on massive amounts of scientific research, Buhner’s book provides in-depth profiles of and recipes for using the most reliably effective herbs to treat common ailments, such as wounds, urinary tract infections and strep throat, as well as life-threatening methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and other infections.

For information on specific herbal medicines you can use to treat maladies such as earaches and staph infections, see the Herbal Remedies for Common Ailments chart.  MOTHER EARTH NEWS

In 1942, the world’s entire supply of penicillin was a mere 64 pounds. By 2009, some 60 million pounds of antibiotics were being used per year in the United States alone, with nearly 30 million pounds deployed on livestock to promote growth and prevent disease on factory farms.

These figures are per year. Year in, year out.

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