Ginger: A Natural Remedy for Motion Sickness

By Stephanie Bloyd
Published on September 18, 2007
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Get a dose of ginger via delicious ginger tea.

Ginger is a great remedy for motion sickness and troubled tummies. Cultivated for millennia in the Far East, this useful root was approved by the German Commission E to prevent motion sickness and dyspepsia. (Commission E was established by the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices in the 70s to review herbal remedies.)

Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties also have been shown to improve joint pain associated with arthritis. And its blood-thinning properties also may help reduce cholesterol levels by stimulating the secretion of bile and hindering fat absorption, says James A. Duke, Ph.D., in his book, The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook.

In The Herbal Drugstore, Linda White, M.D., recommends ingesting ginger in one of the following forms:

  • Fresh root
  • Teas
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