Cannabis: Not Just About Getting High

Reader Contribution by Nicole Wilkey
Published on May 29, 2018
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I grow many different things on our farm, but one of my favorites is cannabis. A little under two years ago, I purchased my first plants and haven’t looked back. Since my first harvest, I have not used any NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen for any reason. I much prefer skipping all of the possible side effects of pharmaceuticals and rely on the medicinal uses of cannabis instead. My favorite way to harness the healing powers of the cannabis plant is in tincture or salve form. Topical applications will not cause a psychoactive response.

So let’s talk basics and why cannabis might be for you. Cannabis actually decreases inflammation in the body to reduce pain, where medications such as NSAIDs or narcotics/opioids only mask the pain and inflammation temporarily. Cannabinoids, like THC or CBD, are the chemical compounds that provide relief from pain, inflammation or nausea by communicating with our endocannabinoid system.

Our endocannabinoid system affects our homeostasis, appetite, mood, memory and pain. Our bodies naturally produce endocannabinoids, and supplementing with a cannabis tincture or salve can bring immense relief. Terpenes, which give cannabis its characteristic smell, also have a medicinal effect when used in conjunction with cannabinoids. Which is why I prefer using the whole plant, both flowers and trim, to get the full range of compounds rather than using a one note product that singles out just THC or just CBD. Whole plant products hit more receptors within the body and in turn are more effective. 

Luckily, society is starting to change their opinion of cannabis users from “always altered, unproductive members of society” to accepting the idea that people from all walks of life are reaping the benefits of cannabis in many different forms. 

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