Abdominal Massage for Constipation Relief

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Having trouble finding relief from chronic constipation? Natural, first-line approaches include drinking plenty of water, increasing fiber intake, and identifying food intolerances. But if these strategies haven’t worked for you, don’t give up just yet. You may benefit from abdominal massage for constipation.

Causes of Constipation

Constipation can be caused by a dietary change, medication use, daily routine disruption, surgery, or emotional stress. In these cases, constipation is usually considered acute and can be resolved relatively quickly without treatment. If your constipation is long-lasting and bothers you on a regular basis, however, it could be caused by an underlying medical condition, poor diet, or other factors requiring your attention.[1]

Visit your doctor to discuss your symptoms and possible causes as your first step in managing constipation. You may be prescribed a laxative, but these should only be used as a last resort and should not be used regularly. Increasing your dietary fiber intake should be tried first, and you should stay well hydrated. But if this doesn’t help, you might find abdominal massage to be the treatment option you need to find relief.

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