How to Raise Guinea Fowl

By Jonathan Erickson
Published on July 1, 1982
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This turkey-like fowl is one of the most efficient natural pest controls imaginable.

Learn how to raise guinea fowl, including fowl enclosures, basic needs of the bird, egg laying and raising young guineas.

An Introduction to Guineas: How to Raise Guinea Fowl

If you’ve ever taken a leisurely evening drive down what you thought was a blissfully deserted country road, only to have your solitude dramatically interrupted by what appeared to be a crazed flock of screaming, tail-less mini-turkeys descending upon your car from out of nowhere, then you may have concluded that you never wish to see (or hear!) a guinea fowl again.

However, if you were to raise your own flock, you’d more likely than not come to adore–rather than detest–these wacky birds. Their caterwauling would soon be music to your ears, since the cacophonous sounds would let you rest secure in the knowledge that your faithful feathered “watchdogs” were hard at work alerting you to any approaching strangers . . . human or animal.

What’s more, this turkey-like fowl is one of the most efficient natural pest controls imaginable. If given the freedom of your yard and garden (and, because they’re typically somewhat wild, guineas need to be allowed to range), they’ll consume mosquitoes, chiggers, grasshoppers, and Japanese beetles . . . to mention only a few of their favorite morsels. Better still, these birds won’t scratch up your garden or devour your young greenery, as chickens often do. Your vegetation is quite safe when you put guineas on garden patrol.

Furthermore, besides serving guard and insect-control duty, guinea fowl can supply their owners with food. Their eggs, although small, are quite tasty . . . and (as a final benefit) the birds themselves can be served up in delicious meals.

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