After 6 Years of Homesteading, We are Finally Free and This Video Talks About How

Reader Contribution by Kerry W. Mann, Jr. and Homesteadhow
Published on April 23, 2021
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Family firewood day
Photo by Kerry Mann

Friends and family have asked me: “What does it mean to be a homesteader?”. My quick and simple answer is “freedom”. We are using our land and property to be more self-sufficient and to have more freedom. We do that by growing our own food, by heating our entire home and water with sustainable wood from our property. We’ve started several income streams with our homestead at the core.

After almost six years on our homestead, we now have eight small income streams and more freedom than we’ve ever experienced. The purpose of this post is to share our story and what we’ve learned with others.

Money and Freedom for Homesteaders

For me, freedom and money go hand in hand. Every single purchase I make is a trade for my freedom. Buy a candy bar, there goes a little freedom — buy a brand-spanking new car, there goes the odds of one of my four girls going to college. Buy materials to build a homestead dog kennel business, and cha-ching put some more freedom in the future-bank. Build a greenhouse and increase my property value, boom even more freedom in my future (and more growing season for our homestead veggies). Money = freedom I am not willing to willy-nilly exchange all of that freedom with little consideration for overpriced items like fancy smartphones, brand new cars, and a top of the line home with a maxed out mortgage. 

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