Homesteading in the United Kingdom

Reader Contribution by Alan Beat
Published on December 14, 2015
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My name is Alan Beat, and with my wife Rosie, I’ve run a 16-acre smallholding in Devon, England, for the last 28 years. “Smallholding” is a UK term that’s broadly equivalent to the term “homestead” in the United States, meaning farming on a small scale with a strong element of self-sufficiency in food. I’m delighted to have the chance of connecting with other like-minded people by means of this blog.

It’s been prompted by the publication of my new book Smallholding: A Practical Guide to Self-sufficient Living (find it here in the U.S., and here in the UK), which has started to sell a few copies in the U.S. without any marketing on my part and a portion of which is excerpted below.

Despite the geographical differences, there must be a great deal of common ground between the American homestead and the British smallholding — so let’s find out!

Smallholding: APracticalGuide

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