Sturdy Corner Posts: Resisting the Pull

By Steve Maxwell
Published on February 1, 2006
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Two or three 6- to 8-inch-diameter wooden posts are connected with diagonal or horizontal posts and tightly twisted wire. This arrangement in a multipost corner keeps the ends of the posts vertical, despite the lateral pressure exerted by the pull of the fence wire.
Two or three 6- to 8-inch-diameter wooden posts are connected with diagonal or horizontal posts and tightly twisted wire. This arrangement in a multipost corner keeps the ends of the posts vertical, despite the lateral pressure exerted by the pull of the fence wire.
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Weighted cribs use a series of criss-crossed 4- to 6-inch-diameter rot-resistant logs, spiked together to create a vertical cage covering a 3- to 4-foot-wide square area.
Weighted cribs use a series of criss-crossed 4- to 6-inch-diameter rot-resistant logs, spiked together to create a vertical cage covering a 3- to 4-foot-wide square area.
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With the coarse threads of the screw buried 2 or 3 feet deep into undisturbed soil, the earth anchor will stay secure even if the surrounding soil freezes and heaves.
With the coarse threads of the screw buried 2 or 3 feet deep into undisturbed soil, the earth anchor will stay secure even if the surrounding soil freezes and heaves.

Wire fences always operate under some kind of tension — that’s why corners and curves need stronger bracing than posts that sit along the fence line. If corners can’t resist this constant inward pull, they’ll eventually tilt and cause the fence wire to sag. This is especially true with high-tensile fences, though all fencing types need solid bracing.

When it comes to resisting the forces of fence tension, you have three options: a traditional multipost corner, a weighted wooden crib and a little-known but highly effective option called an “earth anchor.”

Corner Posts: Multipost Corners

Two or three 6- to 8-inch-diameter wooden posts are connected with diagonal or horizontal posts and tightly twisted wire. This arrangement keeps the ends of the posts vertical, despite the lateral pressure exerted by the pull of the fence wire. A single post would tilt under this strain, no matter how deeply it was set in the soil.

Corner Posts: Weighted Cribs

Multipost corners work well, but only if you have more than 3 feet of soil. In fields where the dirt is shallower than that, weighted cribs are the most reliable option. These use a series of criss-crossed 4- to 6-inch-diameter rot-resistant logs, spiked together to create a vertical cage covering a 3- to 4-foot-wide square area. Fieldstones are loaded into the crib, creating a sturdy anchor that can last up to a half century. Cribs are an ideal way to support gates on shallow soil, too.

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