Quick Checks for an Efficient, Winterized Heating System

By Mother Earth News Editors
Published on October 1, 1991
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Fireplaces are cozy, but they can allow heat to escape. Follow these tips to save energy this winter.


Fireplaces are very inefficient heating systems. To get the most out of yours, you should remember several tips:

  • An open or missing damper can allow as much heat to escape as an open door does! Close it whenever the fireplace is not in use.
  • Carefully close the damper down as far it will go while maintaining sufficient draft. The wood will burn longer.
  • Consider adding a hollow-tube grate. This device picks up cold air at baseboard level, warms it as it passes through the firebox, and then sends the warmed air back into the room. Some models even sport an electric blower.
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