How to Change the Oil in Your Car or Truck

With a few simple tools and these step-by-step instructions from an expert mechanic, you can change the oil in your car or truck in no time. Regular maintenance will help your engine last longer, and you might save money, too. Perhaps best of all, you'll gain the satisfaction of being able to do this important task yourself, on your own terms.

By Richard Backus
Updated on March 12, 2022
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by Adobestock/Pixel-Shot
Use a filler spout or funnel to avoid spills when filling an engine with oil.

Changing your own oil can be easy to do, and it’s not expensive. Regular oil changes will prolong the useful life of an engine.

But if you just want to do your own oil changes to save money, consider that express oil change outlets change the oil for little more than it costs to do it yourself, usually anywhere from $25 to $40. Further, you’ll have to dispose of your old oil, something the oil-change folks do for you. It might not be worth the time or hassle to change the oil yourself. But for many people, especially those outside metro areas, the options narrow to the local garage, which will often charge $30 or more for a change. At that price, doing it yourself (typically about $20) becomes a better proposition. Plus, you’ll have the satisfaction of maintaining your vehicles — and you’ll know it’s been done right.

Tools and Equipment

If you decide to change your car or truck oil yourself, you’ll need a few basic tools. First, you’ll need a set of ramps or a pair of jack stands and a jack. Many people find working with ramps easier, for the simple reason they require only a steady eye and a light foot on the gas to get your vehicle at working height.

Second, you’ll need an oil filter wrench. In older vehicles with lots of clearance, a strap-type wrench (basically a strap of steel that tightens around the filter when it’s pulled tight by its handle) works well. But many newer cars with tightly packaged engine and transmission assemblies require an oil filter socket wrench — basically a large, pressed-steel can that fits around the outside of the filter, turned with a 3/8-drive socket wrench and extension. The length of the extension will vary depending upon oil filter location.

Third, you’ll need the correct-sized tool to remove the oil drain plug, either a box-end combination wrench or a socket wrench. Again, ease of access will determine the correct type. I prefer a box-end wrench for the simple reason it’s easier to get good leverage for pulling a stubborn drain plug loose.

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