A Homemade Pet Door

By Mother Earth News Editors
Published on November 1, 1984
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There may be times when you need a fixed covering. This hard storm door provides it.
There may be times when you need a fixed covering. This hard storm door provides it.
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With a pet door, your animals can come and go as they like without you having to be at their beck and call.
With a pet door, your animals can come and go as they like without you having to be at their beck and call.

When the mercury drops to the single digits, life can be very unfriendly to four-legged family members living outdoors. Yet even the most compassionate pet owners will admit that playing doorman to a whimsical animal gets old fast, during both winter and summer. So here’s a solution that spans the seasons and satisfies host and guest alike: a weather-tight homemade pet door designed to fit both beast and budget.

The idea, of course, is nothing new. You can purchase animal access ports at pet shops anywhere — if you don’t mind spending somewhere between $30 and $60. But a quick trip to a discount mart (and a few moments in your back-room junk bin) should yield enough inexpensive materials to allow you to make your own auxiliary access for no more than $10 or so.

The main ingredient for this project is a set of automobile rear-seat floor mats, which retail for about $6.99. Ours are rubber (which is supple but tears more easily than vinyl) and measure 13 1/2″ x 16″, fine for cats and small dogs. If your friend is more substantial, you’ll probably have to spend a bit more and buy 16″ x 28″ front mats, preferably those without bulky embossments. Other materials include:

  • Two strips of medium-gauge sheet metal (one 5/8″ x 6″ and the other 5/8″ x 8″)
  • Some l/16″ x 1/2″ magnetic ribbon cut to 5 7/8″ and 7 1/2″ lengths (if you can’t find this among the houseware offerings at your usual retail outlet, you might try a stationery store)
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