Baby Goat Diapers: DIY Belly Bands for In-Home Baby Male Goats

Reader Contribution by Danielle Pientka and Diydanielle.Com
Published on March 2, 2020
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Is it kidding time for you? I’ve been seeing a lot of baby goat cuteness in my homestead groups. We have two Nigerian Dwarf does who I’d like to breed in a year or two, once our feral toddler calms down a bit. In the meantime, I’m enjoying everyone else’s goats, particularly my friend Scottie’s. She has a large herd of Nigerian Dwarf and Fainting goats, two smaller breeds of goats. The babies are the perfect snuggle size and absolutely adorable

If you breed goats, you may temporarily find yourself with what Scottie calls “house goats.” Every year they have a boatload of babies on their farm. Usually there’s at least one with a bad mom or a mom who can’t keep up feeding triplets or quads. This year she has two house goats, a male and a female.

Typically they use disposable diapers for the goats to reduce the mess and cleanup, but she was complaining that the dog belly band that they bought just didn’t fit right.

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