Julie Fryer, Home Maple Tapper and Syrup Maker
Name: Julie Fryer
Occupation: Freelance Writer
Hobbies: Everything outdoors! Gardening, landscaping, and sugarmaking; cooking and preserving this natural bounty; camping, fishing, canoeing, hiking, and exploring with her husband and two boys; and treasure hunting at auctions and flea markets and repurposing these finds. Luckily as a writer, Julie’s hobbies and occupation frequently overlap.
Place of Residence: Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes
Background and Personal History: Julie grew up in Southeastern Minnesota and migrated for a bit to the big city to attend the University of Minnesota. After coming to her senses and missing country life, she moved back to the area where she and her husband have raised their two boys in a small, rural community.
Professionally, Julie Fryer is an experienced nonfiction gardening and hobbyist writer and has published numerous books, articles, and blogs including “Guide to Maple Tapping,” “Kid’s Guide to Maple Tapping,” “The Complete Guide to Your New Root Cellar,” and “How to Open & Operate a Financially Successful Small Farm.”
Current Projects: Through her own experiences of making maple syrup with her family, Julie joined the staff of Maple Tapper as a freelance writer and has assisted them in building a website, developing a product line, writing books, and growing a community of beginner and professional sugarmakers.
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