Bryan Traficante Biography

By Bryan Traficante and Gardeninminutes
Updated on November 14, 2016
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Bryan Traficante, Square-Foot Gardener and Cofounder of Garden In Minutes

Place of Residence: Orlando, Florida

Background: In 2013, Bryan along with his parents Tom and Theresa Traficante, turned a combined passion of home gardening and innovation into a family venture passionate about making it faster and easier for more people to start their own quality garden. They called it GardenInMinutes.

Their invention, the Garden Grid watering system, combined the utility of a square-foot planting guide with the value of ground level adjustable irrigation while removing the need for tools.

They followed suit to the Garden Grid with their uniquely designed modular cedar garden beds to accompany the watering system.

When not at the family-run shop, Tom and Theresa are out at local farmers markets discussing gardening tips and tactics while Bryan talks gardening to fans and friends alike online.

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