Bruce & Carol McElmurray Biographies

By Bruce Mcelmurray
Updated on March 5, 2013
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Bruce and Carol McElmurray, Retired Living in the High Country

Place of Residence: Southern Colorado at 9,750 feet in the Sangre de Christo Mountains

Occupation: Retired

Recent Articles/Projects for MOTHER EARTH NEWS: Aug/Sept 2010, Firsthand Report.

Background: Bruce and Carol live remotely in a 880-square-foot cabin along with their three dogs. They implemented many of the things they learned from MOTHER since its inception as a magazine. They have been helped by so many contributors over the years and desire to now return the favor to other MOTHER readers. They heat with a woodstove and cut firewood by hand from their 11 acres. They went back to the land and are essentially do-it-yourself people.

Personal History: After 8 years of serving in the USAF, Bruce decided that civilian life was better-suited for him. Carol is a school teacher by training but worked several years in medical offices. Bruce retired from the insurance industry 14 years ago when the pair decided to finally live their dream in the mountains. They purchased their land 33 years ago, anticipating future retirement. They have had successes and disappointments but have never for a moment been disappointed of their remote-living lifestyle choice.

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